Magnesium is probably the most important mineral you can take. And most people are deficient. In fact, it’s estimated that 80% of the population is lacking magnesium
Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and allows enzymes to function properly.
Enzymes are necessary for the body to break down sugars in the digestive system. But enzymes don’t function alone. They need enzyme cofactors. Magnesium is the most common cofactor and critical to glucose and fat breakdown, the regulation of cholesterol production, and the production of proteins and antioxidants.
Magnesium is necessary for energy production. It’s essential for healthy bone formation. It works to regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart.
Here are a few of the benefits of magnesium:
- Assists in better quality sleep
- Positively supports bone mineral
- Supports a healthy nervous system
- Soothes joints and muscles
The body doesn’t make magnesium, so you have to get it in your diet and/or supplement.
Essential Magnesium supplement is gluten-free, sugar-free, and non-GMO. Proudly made in the USA.

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